Tips for Eating Healthy and Watching Your Weight During Barbecue Season

By Emilie Rosano MS, RD, CDN
Pursuing a healthier lifestyle does not mean you have to forgo fun-filled summer activities. While your thoughts of barbecue season may conjure up images of carbohydrate-laden foods and abundant cocktails, there are simple ways to stay on track this season.
Any good guest would bring a dish; why not make your favorite low carb side dish or bring dessert… refreshing fruit salad anyone? Luckily, the focus of BBQs is generally meat- just remember to remove that bun, cut off any visible fat/skin, and stick to 3-ounce portion sizes.
As always, eat your protein first, then fill up on vegetables. However, avoid those starchy vegetables- corn (on the cobb or in salsa), potatoes or beans (salad).
Staying hydrated in the summer heat is crucial. Alcohol is especially dangerous because of its diuretic properties, which can lead to dehydration. Focus on drinking water first and foremost, perhaps infusing water with fruits, vegetables, and herbs to enhance flavor.