Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

The holiday season is filled with family time, gift-giving, and lots of food, which makes it one of the most enjoyable times of the year. However, with so many temptations and delicious treats so freely available during this time, it’s easy to lose sight of the healthy eating habits we’d usually employ throughout the rest of the year.
Whether you’re pre- or post-bariatric surgery, keep these healthy eating tips in mind to keep your weight-loss journey on track throughout the holidays.
Watch Portion Sizes
As you know if you’ve ever tried to lose weight, portion size plays an important role. It’s easy to load up your plate with holiday foods, but to avoid overindulging, try eating half of your meal and saving the other half for later. In addition, eat slowly, giving your body enough time to digest the food and decide if it’s full.
If you’re not sure how large a portion is, use your hand. If a food item can fit in your palm, it’s generally considered one serving size.
For those who have undergone bariatric surgery especially, enjoying yourself in moderation is key. A few bites of your favorite holiday treats are usually harmless as long as you’re controlling your portions and balancing your diet.
Don’t Skip Meals
It can be tempting to “save your appetite” for your big holiday dinner, but resist the urge to skip meals. Eating at regular intervals helps keep your blood sugar levels stable. When you skip a meal, your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing fat.
Make sure to eat at least three meals a day, and aim to get the majority of your calories from lean proteins, like chicken, beef, and steak.
Have a Plan
The holidays are a busy time, which can make it difficult to focus on eating healthily. Plan out your meals, snacks, and drinks before you attend any festive holiday gatherings to stay on track with your goals. Be sure to include foods that are high in protein and good fats, such as fish, avocados, nuts, and lean meat.
In addition, plan ahead to incorporate exercise into your schedule. If you use a planner or scheduling app, block out your holiday engagements, work, and family obligations first. Then, use the remaining time to work exercise into your week.
Stay Active
Engaging in regular physical activity has many health benefits, including helping you maintain a healthy weight, increasing your energy levels, and improving your mood. Increased levels of physical activity are especially important for bariatric surgery recipients. Elevating your heart rate and breaking a sweat go a long way in retaining a healthy body and mind.
It’s also important to remember that it doesn’t have to be an intense workout. Even small amounts of physical activity can help you feel better and boost your immune system during the holiday season.
If you’re considering bariatric surgery this holiday season, there’s no better partner in New York than Tri State Bariatrics. Our surgeons have years of experience performing bariatric procedures, like the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, and we’ve helped thousands take the first step on their weight-loss journeys.
To learn more, get in touch with one of our offices.